Friday, January 20, 2012

Brisvegas, Birthday Boys and no Booze

I just went on my first holiday in a long time. Yes, there was the severe ear infection incident clouding the whole thing but for these posts, let's just pretend I was healthy. And indeed for the first days in Brisbane I was healthy. Lucky, because it was in the mid to high 30s and really humid.

This was to be a bit of a test of my non-drinking resolve as family gatherings (even if this one only had two cousins, two 'nephews', a cousin in law and his side of the fam) are always a time for a little tipple. We celebrated my little 'nephew's' 4th birthday, complete with awesome lego cake and party goods. Cousin A (the same one who endured 8 days in a car with me) made this awesome lego number 4 cake - next stop, the AWWCB Train Cake! (see the link for a great, old post by one of my favourite bloggers on this wonderful book from my childhood)

I found so much love and support for my non-drinking amongst these people it was awesome. Though it was very hard to not want a sip of cider on such a hot and celebratory occasion. When I felt the urge to drink, I just ate a piece of fairy bread, or some cake, or some other party tasty goodness. Suffice to say I think I ate all the fairy bread and biscuits!

The party was enjoyed by all, and my present of a frosty mug was rightfully outshadowed by the awesome dinosaur fishtank that was installed and filled by Uncle O and Aunty M.

I love my family, even though they live so far away, and it was great to get to spend such an occasion with them all. I wish I could have stayed longer, but work and this great adventure called. Next post - Coffs Harbour!

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